Welcome to LongWeights chef company.

My name is Kadin Murtagh, and I'm a chef and founder of this company. Over the years in hospitality, one thing has become crystal clear to me: chefs are some of the hardest-working people you’ll ever meet, yet they often face an endless amount of unnecessary challenges. That’s exactly why I created LongWeights. Our mission is simple: we’re here to tackle the frustrating problems chefs face with straightforward, effective, and innovative solutions.

What started as a small idea is now growing into something much bigger—a company with the potential to become a key pillar of support for chefs. One incredible product and service at a time, all conceived and built by the chefs themselves.

We'd love for you to get involved ! If there’s something that drives you crazy in the kitchen, or if you’ve got any hacks or tricks that make your life easier, share them with us. Together, we can find real solutions and build a culture focused on problem-solving, because sometimes, working harder isn’t the answer. You’ll find links to our socials below—let’s connect and make it happen.